Tsirani Ensemble Volume 1
For perfect beauty it is necessary to highlight the natural beauty by cleaning all the hindering elements… As regards to Armenian culture, it is like an apricot tree, blossomed in the rocky soil and derived from Armenian land and water. Similarly, from the songs of our ashoughs (troubadours) Naghash Hovnatan, Sayat-Nova, Djivani and others we can taste the sweetness of our fruits, from the songs of Komitas – the taste of tandoori bread and red wine, from our medieval taghs and sacred songs we quench our thirst from the springs in the foothills of our mountains.
In this CD Tsirani Ensemble seeks to possibly naturally present the gems taken from different layers of Armenian music, and composer Grigor Arakelian has completed the rich pallet of our music, making it more perceivable for nowadays audience.
The only right way to understand and to learn Armenian cultureis to study its history.
In fact, both the Music and the Literature are like a huge melting pot, which consists of ancient history, different levels of society, with their lifestyle and mentality.
Folk music, verses of the medievel ages, music of the poet-musician /trubadur/, Ashik (a singer who accompanied his song, a shorter original composition) music, are the particles of a diverse Armenian folk music, which have their own authentic period and aria and their specific history.
The main aim of The TSIRANI ENSEMBLE is to represent national music from its different perspectives, which is simple and available for current audience, it meets the expectations of a picky musician as well as an ordinary listener.
The TSIRANI ENSEMBLE was founded in 2012. The band was initially an instrumental quintet – duduk, shvi, tar, oud, dhol /double headed drum/, where duduk was the main instrument. In 2014 singers joined the band.
Tsirani Ensemble • Tiramayr (Mother of Lord) – medieval sacred song
“Keler Tsoler” (Walking and Shining) & “Chem Kerna Khagha” (I Can’t Play) – Komitas
“Love Song” – Naghash Hovnatan & “Matchkal” (“Ploughman”) – traditional song
Tsirani Ensemble • Round Dance and Tamzara
Tsirani Ensemble • Dance Songs of Region Van
Al Aylughes (My scarlet Handkerchief) & Habrban (Phrase addressed to the speaker) – Komitas
Tsirani Ensemble • “Avetis ev Par”(Tidings and Dance) – Grigor Arakelian
Tsirani Ensemble • “Tsirani tsar“(Apricot Tree) – Komitas
Komitas “Antuni” • Seyran Avagyan
”Music is perfect when it triggers emotions and feelings that can be sorrow and sadness, or joy and amazement and revelry. The Armenian history and the genetic memory of the Armenian nation contain the entire palette of emotions. We only need to recreate our ancestral heritage by maintaining the crystal purity of our millennial culture with modern solutions typical to our times.“
Artak Asatryan, Artistic Director
Tsirani Ensemble
Apricot tree growing in the Ararat valley and in the foothills of the Hayk mountains…
Nothing characterizes an Armenian and his spiritual gene as vividly as the apricot tree. Therefore, many centuries ago kings wore apricot-colored robes, Komitas and Ashough Djivani composed songs ”Apricot Tree” by comparing the apricot tree with Armenia and the fruits with an Armenian.
Tsirani Ensemble, as a bearer of that name, has referred to the Armenian music, by including Armenian medieval, spiritual, folk and minstrel music and Komitas’ art.

Georgy Minasyan
duduk, shvi

Davit Avagyan

Mariam Mirzoyan

Gor Ghalmukhyan

Eka Horstka

Artak Asatryan
solo duduk,
artistic director